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About - Dr. Lynn Lim ND

BSc., MSc., (Acup), ND (USA)


Master of Science in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (USA) 
Certified NAET Practitioner
Master Level Certified BRT Practitioner

OT&P Location: Central
Language: English, Cantonese and Mandarin

Dr. Lynn Lim integrates naturopathic and homeopathic medicine for a holistic approach to healing. Dr. Lim has been practicing naturopathic medicine since 1997 in Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong. She currently holds a license from Washington State, U.S.A., to practice Naturopathic Medicine. Dr. Lim specializes in Women’s and Family healthcare with particular emphasis on Natural Fertility Management, Allergy Testing and Desensitization, Natural Weight Management, and Functional Medicine.

By analyzing symptoms and information obtained from the body by the use of diagnostic methods including physical examinations, laboratory tests, and Kinesiology (muscle testing), Dr. Lim formulates an effective holistic treatment plan. As a naturopathic physician, her treatments may include Botanical Medicine, Clinical Nutrition, Functional Medicine, Lifestyle and Dietary Counseling, NAET (an allergy elimination technique), and BRT (Body Restoration Technique).

Dr. Lim holds a Doctorate degree in Naturopathic Medicine, a Master of Science degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from the Bastyr University in Seattle Washington, U.S.A., and a Bachelor of Science in Food Science degree from the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

Types of Practice offered by Dr. Lynn Lim

Naturopathy Consulting:       Using whole food vitamin complex supplementation and diet recommendations, Dr. Lim evaluates which nutrition a person needs to improve their health.

Weight Loss: As a person ages it becomes more and more difficult to lose weight. You might just say to yourself that you can’t do anything about this because everyone gets fat as they age. However, you can do something. Age does make fat-burning hormones more resistant but there are several strategic things you CAN do to make things easier. For more information, please refer to the brochure “How To Lost Weight with BRT?”

Preconception Care: You can make a difference to the physical, emotional and mental health of your baby even before conceiving it. Dr. Lim advices on nutrition, lifestyle and prescribe supplements which will improve fertility, help conception to occur, help to prevent miscarriage, create the environment for a healthy full-term pregnancy, an easy trouble-free birth and breastfeeding experience. For more information, please refer to the brochure “Preconception Health Care”.

Natural Fertility Management: This program offers you a conscious conception or to overcome fertility problems, using holistic natural medicine, nutrition, detoxification, stress control and timing techniques.  For more information, please refer to the brochure “Natural Fertility Management.”

NAET: A non-invasive and drug-free technique to eliminate allergies of all types. For more information, please refer to the brochure “What are Nambudiripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique, Say Goodbye to Asthma, Say Goodbye to Autism, Animal Allergies and Asthma.”