Hong Kong Naturopathic Doctor Directory



Welcome to our directory of Naturopaths in Hong Kong. You can easily find a naturopath/naturopathic doctor in Hong Kong using this directory. To take a look at a profile simply select the name of the practitioner.

IANHK urges you to use your discretion and be wary of naturopathic practitioners that have not received formal training at acceptable institutions. IANHK only accepts and promotes those practitioners which have undergone specific training that meets our requirements. 

Take Note, the "ND" designation is given to practitioners with qualifications from North America and/or Canada and are recognized as licensed primary care providers in their respective state/province. Naturopaths without a β€œND” designation received training from naturopathic institutions from other countries, such as Australia, that are acceptable by IANHK. Our practitioners are able to join an accredited naturopathic association in the country they completed their degree which is recognised by the World Naturopathic Federations (WNF).


Graeme Bradshaw

Dr Lynn Lim, ND

Dr Monica Xu, ND

Tej Bg

Dr. Ardyce Yik, ND

Dr Benita Perch

Philip Watkins

Dr. Ji Woon Min, ND

Dr. Melissa Lee, ND