
About - Tej Bg

ND, Dip Nutr. Dip HerbMed (Aust)

IMI Location: Central
Language: English

Tej BG is an Australian trained Naturopath, Clinical Nutritionist and Herbalist. His approach to healing combines current science with tradition, providing integrative individualised solutions for clients, with the key task being the welfare of the client with the most appropriate approach.

“I value the importance of science and spirituality working together. It allows me to bring an informed and compassionate approach to my clients.”

He partners with his clients in supporting a wide range of acute to chronic health conditions in children and in adults. The holistic art of healing goes beyond addressing the symptoms, so Tej takes care when trying to understand and modulate the source of these problems. He takes a varied approach to building awareness and can include a holistic case history and tests as needed to help reveal the state of health of his clients.

He works closely with his clients to create wellness and harmony using natural modalities, western and Eastern herbal medicine, nutritional and dietary analysis, homeopathic remedies, lifestyle modification and other therapies to support the body, mind and spirit. He also focuses on preventive health through programs such as detox, cleanses and other healing methods. A balance of these therapies is used according to the individual's health, physical flexibility and mental capacity. Working responsibly and respectfully with other holistic therapists and medical doctors is part and parcel of the journey when necessary.

Besides his services, he engages in spiritual practices.